just read great article on mole treatment options at http://ping.fm/wuoml

Mole Freeze Removal Kit Review * Testimonial

Recently I went looking for a mole freeze removal kit. I had a large mole on my face and one on my neck that I really wanted to remove but did not want to undergo surgery or other major procedure to do it.

I researched several different products but went with Wart Mole Vanish, which turns out to be the cheapest ($79) and the best mole freeze removal kit on the market. How nice is that!

The removal went without a problem and I only had to leave it on my mole for 20 minutes. This is the big thing that separates Wart Mole Vanish from the others, you only have to put it on once or twice at most for mole removal. The other stuff called Dermatend said I had would be applying oils and acids for weeks... or months!

It's been two months since I used the mole freeze removal kit and my mole is TOTALLY gone, no sign of it left. If you need to remove a mole or two (or three, or four) I highly recommend Wart Mole Vanish, it worked perfectly for me!!